You don't need to have a huge budget Special Database to ensure that thousands of people see your vacancy. You don't always have to set up a strategic labor market communication campaign to enthuse people about your vacancies. Social media offers a great way to reach candidates, in addition to your own careers page, career Special Database page and/or job boards. And of course we also see at the Municipality of Delft that their current employees sell the vacancy well with their enthusiasm. Nice example, but what can I do with it myself? We Special Database share six tips to reach potential candidates and how to inspire and enthuse them.
Of course with one goal: to find the Special Database right candidate for your vacancy(s) as quickly as possible. Tip 1. Inspire from your organization and the vacancy Start by asking yourself these questions: How does your Special Database organization distinguish itself? What is inspiring about the organization, according to current employees? What is inspiring about the position, according to colleagues? What does the ideal candidate look like? How and with what do you want to inspire potential candidates? With the position, with the organizations as Special Database employer, by current colleagues? Tip 2. Reach your candidates where they are: online!
You know one thing for sure: your Special Database potential candidates are on social media. Therefore, make sure that you are actively present here with your vacancies and 'approach' them with this. Facebook is also responding nicely to this with the latest feature Facebook Jobs, which has now also been rolled out in the Netherlands. The Special Database advantage of using social media to draw attention to your vacancies is that you choose which target groups see them. You have also already mapped out your company culture and corporate Special Database identity on your social media channels, so that potential candidates immediately get a feel for this.